With over 11.5 million subscribers to the World of Warcraft, you have to wonder how many of these players are total creeps in general. Let's narrow it down to the most dangerous of motherfuckers. Pedophiles. Using the Fermi problem as an estimation model, let's make a few basic assumptions.
1) There are at least 2.5 million players in the WoW population in North America.
2) There are at least 490,000 registered sex offenders in the US.
3) About 2 of 3 sex offenders did super illegal stuff to under-aged people (are pedophiles).
4) There are around 309,153,000 people in the US.
5) There are around 528,720,588 people in North America.
Based upon the above assumptions, we can estimate the number of pedophiles in the US:
(fraction of sex offenders that are pedophiles in the US) x (all sex offenders in the US) = (pedophiles in the US)
Now given the US and North America populations, we can extrapolate that there are
(fraction of pedophiles in the US) x (North American population) = (pedophiles in North America)
With the total pedophile estimation in North America, we will apply it to the fraction of WoW players in North America.
(fraction of WoW players in North America) x (pedophiles in North America) = (pedophiles in North America that play WoW)
Finally we can arrive at a percent of North American WoW players that are pedophiles.
About 0.11% of North America WoW players are convicted pedophiles. There could be more! That's fucking scary! For every 1000 players on your server, at least one of them is a pedophile!
Further more, if there are about 200 US servers, than 2,500,000, then 2,500,000/200=12,500, and 12,500*0.011=137.5! This means there are 138 lurking pedophiles on your server!
This one time, I rolled a female dwarf rogue called Samantha, but I deleted it and someone took the name later on. Anyways, people actually believed I was some sort of 12 year old girl, and kept giving me free shit like bags, loot rolls, and dungeon runs. There is something wrong with this one hunter who would greet me every time I logged in and would tell me everything about his day. Creepy much? I played along and got tons of free stuff, yay! That's how you make lots gold kids without any work at all while leveling from 1 to mid 40s!
TLDR: It is estimated that there are about 138 pedophiles on your server!