Monday, May 3, 2010


So recently I was searching around WoW related websites (with my epic fail dialup interwebs) and stumbled upon this. I'm very excited about this being added into the game, although I'm now trying to figure out who I could possibly recruit in order to get this recruit-a-friend reward. Sadly all my friends play already, or refuse to play for fear of having their souls sucked out through their eye sockets. (I didn't find that process all that bad....and being soulless is...kinda neat?) Anywhooooooooo, I thought this was cool. And thought I'd share, even though you pplz already knew about it...

For those of you who have it already, it must be a good feeling knowing that you have someone you can rely on in your bitchseat. Remember, you can always slap that hoe around to keep them in-line. :( I want someone to keep in line! /cry

This thing reminds me of those coin operated rides you find outside the sketchy Walmart. Maybe if I don't find someone to recruit to get this I'll just go to the mall and hit some kids riding the ones in there...and then laugh at fat mall cops trying to catch me. Unless they're Worgen Rogues, then they have 2 sprints! :O

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